Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aside: Letter to John McCain

I got to thinking about something and decided to ask my representative about it (Jon Kyl is a reprehensible human being, so I don't consider him to be my representative).  While this has nothing to do whatsoever with my current string of posts, I'm interested to hear what those of you who read my blog have to say about it.

Dear Mr. McCain,

If cuts come, as they surely will, to Social Security and Medicare, doesn't that mean a guy in his 30s, like me, is entitled to at least a partial refund of the money I've paid into the system?  The logic goes something like this:  if people my age knew they would not be receiving those benefits as current retirees are receiving them, we would not have entered into the agreement to pay forward as readily, and furthermore, there would probably have been many widespread protests of paying better benefits to current retirees than we would receive for the same deductions in income.  I know you'll be gone out of office, and possibly from the planet, by the time it matters to me, but as my representative, it would be nice to know that the discussions of my financial security later in life have my well-being in mind, and not just the fancy of the Tea Party, which I understand you have some contempt for, anyways.

[Real Name Redacted]

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